Vrbo 对主机的要求:综合指南

Vrbo Requirements for Hosts: Everything You Need to Know

If you own a vacation home in a popular travel destination, renting it out on Vrbo can be an excellent way to generate extra income. While creating a hosting account on this leading OTA (Online Travel Agency) platform is free, it’s crucial to understand both the local short-term rental regulations and the specific Vrbo requirements for hosts. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to get started, stay compliant, and maximize your success as a Vrbo host.

Vrbo 对主机的要求:综合指南

Understanding Local Vacation Rental Regulations

As the vacation rental industry continues to grow, many state and local governments have implemented laws and regulations to govern short-term rentals. These rules vary widely depending on your location, so it’s essential to research and comply with them before listing your property on Vrbo. Below are some common policies and regulations you may encounter:

Zoning Restrictions

Many localities have zoning regulations that restrict short-term rentals to specific areas. For example, some cities only allow vacation rentals in designated tourist zones or prohibit them in residential neighborhoods. Always check your local zoning laws to ensure your property is eligible for short-term rentals.

Permits and Licenses

In many cities, short-term rental owners are required to register their property, obtain a permit, and secure a general business license. Some jurisdictions also require a specific short-term rental license. Failure to comply with these requirements can result in fines or legal action.

License Caps

Some communities have implemented caps on the number of short-term rental licenses issued within their jurisdiction. If your area has reached its limit, you may need to wait until a license becomes available before listing your property.

HOA Restrictions

If your property is part of a homeowners’ association (HOA), check the HOA’s rules and regulations. Some HOAs prohibit short-term rentals entirely, while others may have specific guidelines you must follow.

Tax Collection

Many areas require vacation rental owners to collect transient occupancy taxes (TOT) from guests and remit them to local tax authorities. Make sure you understand your tax obligations and set up a system for collecting and reporting these taxes.


Short-term rentals are often subject to building safety, health, and parking regulations. For example, your property may need to meet specific fire safety standards or provide a minimum number of parking spaces for guests.

Liability Insurance

It’s essential to have adequate liability insurance to protect yourself in case of accidents or damages. Some jurisdictions require hosts to carry specific types of insurance coverage.


Vrbo 上市要求

确认您的房产符合当地法规后,下一步就是在 Vrbo 上创建房源。该平台提供了一个分步指南来帮助您完成整个过程,但以下是需要牢记的关键要求和最佳做法:

Property Eligibility

Vrbo specializes in whole-home rentals, so shared spaces (like a single room in your home) are not eligible. Your property can be your primary residence or a vacation home, as long as it’s available for rent as a whole unit.

Listing Fees

Vrbo offers two fee structures for hosts:

  • Annual Subscription: Pay a one-time fee of $499 to list your property for an entire year. This option is ideal for hosts who plan to rent their property year-round.
  • Pay-Per-Booking: Pay a commission of 8% (plus applicable taxes) for each booking. This option is better for hosts who only rent their property occasionally.

Listing Content

Your listing must accurately describe your property and comply with Vrbo’s Marketplace Standards. Here’s what you need to include:

  • Headline: A minimum of 20 characters that captures the essence of your property.
  • Property Description: A detailed description of at least 400 characters that highlights your property’s features, amenities, and unique selling points.
  • 照片 At least six high-quality photos that showcase your property and its surroundings.
  • Bedrooms and Bathrooms: Accurate information about the number of bedrooms and bathrooms.
  • Address and Location: The property’s exact address and latitude/longitude coordinates.
  • Registration Number: If required by your jurisdiction, include your property’s registration number.
  • Calendar Availability: Keep your booking calendar up to date to avoid double bookings.
  • Rates and Fees: Be transparent about your rates and any additional fees.
  • 便利设施 List the top-searched amenities your property offers.
  • House Rules: Clearly outline your house rules and policies.

Booking Process

All bookings must be processed through the Vrbo marketplace. Do not include any content in your listing that attempts to direct travelers to book outside of Vrbo, such as URLs, email addresses, phone numbers, or property addresses.

Building a Direct Booking Website

While platforms like Vrbo are great for reaching a wide audience, creating a direct booking website can help you build relationships with guests and reduce reliance on OTAs. Services like Hospitable Direct make it easy to create a professional website without any technical skills.

Vrbo 照片要求

High-quality photos are essential for attracting travelers to your listing. Vrbo recommends uploading at least 25 sharp, well-lit, high-resolution photos that showcase your property and its surroundings. Here are the specific requirements:


  • Resolution: Minimum of 1024 x 683 pixels.
  • File Size: Maximum of 20 MB per photo.
  • Format: JPEG/JPG, PNG, or GIF.


  • 避免低分辨率、模糊或过暗的照片。
  • 请勿使用黑白图片。
  • 确保照片方向正确(横向而非纵向)。
  • 只包含您的房产及其周边环境的照片。
  • 请勿使用带水印或复制的图片。
  • 避免不当内容。

Pro Tip: Add a Virtual Tour

Consider adding a virtual tour to your listing to give travelers an immersive view of your property. Virtual tours help guests visualize themselves in your space, leading to faster booking decisions.

Vrbo Host Requirements: Ensuring Guest Safety

作为 Vrbo 房东,您有责任确保客人的安全和福祉。以下是一些必要的步骤:

Emergency Information

Provide guests with contact information for local emergency services, hospitals, and your own contact details in case of issues.

Safety Equipment

Ensure your property is equipped with fire safety equipment, carbon monoxide detectors, and a fire extinguisher.


Place a well-stocked first aid kit in an easily accessible location.

Privacy and Security

Inform guests if your property has security cameras or surveillance systems. Respect their privacy at all times.




Ensure your property is well-ventilated and has a working thermostat for guest comfort.

上一篇 2 月 13, 2025
下一篇 2 月 13, 2025


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