VRBO 最受欢迎的目的地:全球指南
As travelers increasingly seek unique and personalized vacation experiences, VRBO (Vacation Rentals by Owner) has become a go-to platform for booking accommodations. Whether it’s a snug cabin in the forest, a luxurious beachfront villa, or a chic city apartment, VRBO provides properties in some of the world’s most desirable destinations. This article delves into where VRBO is most popular, why these locations are favored by travelers, and what makes VRBO a top choice for vacation rentals.
United States: A VRBO Hub
The United States is one of VRBO’s largest markets, offering a wide variety of rental properties across diverse landscapes. Below are the most popular VRBO destinations in the U.S.:
Why it’s popular: Orlando is home to Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, and other renowned attractions, making it a family-friendly hotspot.
Popular VRBO rentals: Spacious villas with pools and vacation homes close to theme parks are in high demand.
Travel tip: 在夏季和圣诞节等旺季提前预订,以确保获得最优惠的价格。
Why it’s popular: Nestled in the Smoky Mountains, Gatlinburg offers outdoor adventures, breathtaking views, and cozy cabins ideal for couples or families.
Popular VRBO rentals: Rustic cabins with hot tubs and panoramic mountain views are a favorite.
Travel tip: Visit during fall for the stunning foliage or winter for skiing opportunities.
Why it’s popular: With pristine beaches, lush landscapes, and a tropical climate, Hawaii attracts visitors throughout the year.
Popular VRBO rentals: Beachfront condos in Maui, luxury villas in Kauai, and cozy bungalows in Oahu are top picks.
Travel tip: 探索拉奈岛等鲜为人知的岛屿,体验更加僻静的生活。
VRBO is widely used in Europe for those seeking unique accommodations that reflect the region’s rich history and charm.
Why it’s popular: 连绵起伏的葡萄园、历史悠久的建筑和正宗的意大利美食让托斯卡纳成为梦寐以求的旅游胜地。
Popular VRBO rentals: 佛罗伦萨和锡耶纳等历史名城的翻新农舍、乡村别墅和公寓。
Travel tip: 住在较小的村庄附近,可以获得更安静、更真实的体验。
Why it’s popular: 巴黎被誉为 "爱之城",这里有艺术、文化和浪漫。
Popular VRBO rentals: 埃菲尔铁塔附近的典雅公寓、蒙马特(Montmartre)的舒适公寓以及马莱(Le Marais)的豪华住宿。
Travel tip: 寻找带阳台的房产,欣赏巴黎美景。
Why it’s popular: 圣托里尼岛、米克诺斯岛和克里特岛因其粉刷一新的建筑、清澈见底的海水和热情好客而闻名于世。
Popular VRBO rentals: 海滨别墅、带无边际泳池的悬崖住宿以及传统希腊民居。
Travel tip: 在旅游旺季(5 月或 9 月)出行,人少价廉。
VRBO is gaining popularity in Asia, especially in regions offering luxury at a fraction of the cost compared to Western countries.
Why it’s popular: 巴厘岛是天堂的代名词,这里有茂密的丛林、宁静的海滩和充满活力的文化。
Popular VRBO rentals: 乌布的私人泳池别墅、海滨平房和生态度假村。
Travel tip: 考虑配备工作人员的酒店,以获得真正的放纵体验。
Why it’s popular: 普吉岛是海滩爱好者的天堂,这里既有热闹的夜生活,也有宁静的避暑胜地。
Popular VRBO rentals: 豪华海景别墅和适合家庭居住的公寓。
Travel tip: 选择远离芭东海滩的酒店,享受更安静的住宿环境。
Why it’s popular: 东京融合了传统与现代,提供世界一流的餐饮、购物和文化地标。
Popular VRBO rentals: 新宿的紧凑型公寓、传统的日式住宅以及可欣赏城市美景的现代高层建筑。
Travel tip: 靠近公共交通的房产是探索城市的理想选择。
The Caribbean is a perennial favorite for VRBO travelers seeking sun, sand, and relaxation.
Why it’s popular: 巴哈马拥有 700 多个岛屿,是海滩爱好者和水上运动爱好者的乐园。
Popular VRBO rentals: 海滨住宅、豪华别墅和舒适小屋。
Travel tip: 探索偏僻岛屿,享受更私密的逍遥游。
Why it’s popular: 阿鲁巴全年阳光明媚,海滩美丽,氛围悠闲。
Popular VRBO rentals: 海滨公寓和适合家庭居住的别墅。
Travel tip: 住在老鹰海滩附近,可轻松前往世界上最好的海滩之一。
For travelers looking for outdoor experiences, VRBO in Canada is an excellent choice.
Why it’s popular: 惠斯勒是冬季滑雪和夏季山地自行车的天堂。
Popular VRBO rentals: 小木屋配有热水浴缸和可滑雪进出的住宿设施。
Travel tip: 在淡季预订可享受更低的价格。
Why it’s popular: 班夫四周环绕着加拿大落基山脉,这里有令人叹为观止的美景和无穷无尽的户外活动。
Popular VRBO rentals: 露易丝湖(Lake Louise)附近的山景小屋和舒适旅舍。
Travel tip: 冬季适合滑雪,夏季适合徒步旅行和湖上活动。
Why it’s popular: 悉尼以其歌剧院、海港大桥和迷人的海滩而闻名于世。
Popular VRBO rentals: 邦迪海滩(Bondi Beach)附近可欣赏海港美景的豪华公寓和适合家庭居住的住宅。
Travel tip: 在澳大利亚夏季(12 月至次年 2 月)游览,可获得最佳天气。
Why it’s popular: 皇后镇被誉为世界探险之都,这里有蹦极、滑雪和葡萄酒之旅。