VRBO 最受歡迎的目的地:全球指南
As travelers increasingly seek unique and personalized vacation experiences, VRBO (Vacation Rentals by Owner) has become a go-to platform for booking accommodations. Whether it’s a snug cabin in the forest, a luxurious beachfront villa, or a chic city apartment, VRBO provides properties in some of the world’s most desirable destinations. This article delves into where VRBO is most popular, why these locations are favored by travelers, and what makes VRBO a top choice for vacation rentals.
United States: A VRBO Hub
The United States is one of VRBO’s largest markets, offering a wide variety of rental properties across diverse landscapes. Below are the most popular VRBO destinations in the U.S.:
Why it’s popular: Orlando is home to Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, and other renowned attractions, making it a family-friendly hotspot.
Popular VRBO rentals: Spacious villas with pools and vacation homes close to theme parks are in high demand.
Travel tip: 在夏季和聖誕節等旺季,請提前預訂,以獲得最優惠的價格。
Why it’s popular: Nestled in the Smoky Mountains, Gatlinburg offers outdoor adventures, breathtaking views, and cozy cabins ideal for couples or families.
Popular VRBO rentals: Rustic cabins with hot tubs and panoramic mountain views are a favorite.
Travel tip: Visit during fall for the stunning foliage or winter for skiing opportunities.
Why it’s popular: With pristine beaches, lush landscapes, and a tropical climate, Hawaii attracts visitors throughout the year.
Popular VRBO rentals: Beachfront condos in Maui, luxury villas in Kauai, and cozy bungalows in Oahu are top picks.
Travel tip: 探索拉奈島等知名度較低的島嶼,體驗更隱密的生活。
VRBO is widely used in Europe for those seeking unique accommodations that reflect the region’s rich history and charm.
Why it’s popular: 綿延的葡萄園、歷史悠久的建築以及正宗的義大利美食,讓托斯卡尼成為您夢寐以求的旅遊勝地。
Popular VRBO rentals: 位於佛羅倫斯和錫耶納等歷史名城的翻新農舍、鄉間別墅和公寓。
Travel tip: 住在較小的村莊附近,享受更安靜、更真實的體驗。
Why it’s popular: 巴黎被稱為愛之城,提供藝術、文化和浪漫。
Popular VRBO rentals: 艾菲爾鐵塔附近的優雅公寓、蒙馬特 (Montmartre) 的舒適公寓,以及 Le Marais 的豪華住宿。
Travel tip: 尋找帶陽台的物業,欣賞巴黎美景。
Why it’s popular: 聖托里尼島 (Santorini)、米克諾斯島 (Mykonos) 和克里特島 (Crete) 以粉刷一新的建築物、清澈的海水和熱情好客而聞名。
Popular VRBO rentals: 海濱別墅、設有無邊泳池的懸崖住宿,以及傳統希臘民居。
Travel tip: 在旺季(五月或九月)旅遊,人潮較少,價格也較優惠。
VRBO is gaining popularity in Asia, especially in regions offering luxury at a fraction of the cost compared to Western countries.
Why it’s popular: 峇里島是天堂的代名詞,擁有茂密的叢林、寧靜的海灘和充滿活力的文化。
Popular VRBO rentals: 烏布(Ubud)的私人泳池別墅、海濱別墅和生態友好型度假村。
Travel tip: 請考慮包含工作人員的房型,以獲得真正的放縱體驗。
Why it’s popular: 普吉島是海灘愛好者的天堂,既有熱鬧的夜生活,也有寧靜的避難所。
Popular VRBO rentals: 擁有海景的豪華別墅和適合家庭居住的公寓。
Travel tip: 選擇遠離芭東海灘的飯店,可享受較安靜的住宿環境。
Why it’s popular: 東京融合了傳統與現代,提供世界級的美食、購物與文化地標。
Popular VRBO rentals: 新宿的精巧公寓、傳統日式住宅,以及可欣賞城市景觀的現代高樓。
Travel tip: 鄰近公共交通的物業是探索城市的理想選擇。
The Caribbean is a perennial favorite for VRBO travelers seeking sun, sand, and relaxation.
Why it’s popular: 巴哈馬擁有 700 多座島嶼,是海灘愛好者和水上運動愛好者的樂園。
Popular VRBO rentals: 海濱住宅、豪華別墅和舒適小屋。
Travel tip: 探索人跡罕至的島嶼,享受更私密的逍遙之旅。
Why it’s popular: 阿魯巴擁有全年無休的陽光、美麗的海灘和悠閒的氣氛。
Popular VRBO rentals: 海濱公寓和家庭式別墅。
Travel tip: 住在鷹海灘 (Eagle Beach) 附近,可輕鬆前往世界最佳海灘之一。
For travelers looking for outdoor experiences, VRBO in Canada is an excellent choice.
Why it’s popular: 惠斯勒是冬季滑雪和夏季山地自行車運動的天堂。
Popular VRBO rentals: 木屋配有熱水池和滑雪進出住宿設施。
Travel tip: 在旺季時預訂可享較低價格。
Why it’s popular: 班夫被加拿大落基山環繞,擁有令人屏息的美景和無盡的戶外活動。
Popular VRBO rentals: 路易斯湖(Lake Louise)附近可飽覽山景的小屋和舒適的旅館。
Travel tip: 冬季非常適合滑雪,夏季則非常適合遠足和湖上活動。
Why it’s popular: 悉尼以其歌劇院、海港大橋和迷人的海灘而聞名。
Popular VRBO rentals: 鄰近邦迪海灘 (Bondi Beach) 的海港景觀豪華公寓和家庭式住宅。
Travel tip: 在澳洲夏季(十二月至二月)前往,天氣最佳。
Why it’s popular: 皇后鎮被譽為世界冒險之都,提供蹦極、滑雪和葡萄酒之旅等活動。